Henkels, the globetrotting cinematographer and filmmaker who effortlessly transforms ordinary scenes into jaw-dropping visuals. From the jungles of the Congo to the bustling streets of China and the vibrant chaos of India, Henkels captures beauty with unparalleled skill.
Film language? It's practically his second nature.
His portfolio includes gripping projects such as a mini-series on the Mumbai terror attacks, the Eric Bogosian film "MALL" an American Masters film on Mel Brooks, and a documentary on the story behind literary persona JT LeRoy. Henkels finds art in the ordinary and is known for crafting groundbreaking commercials for brands such as Apple, Nike, and BMW, as well as iconic music videos for artists ranging from LINKIN PARK to Sir Mix-a-Lot.
Henkels consistently finds himself at the vanguard of cultural movements throughout his career.
Next up: "Fight Like a Girl," releasing early 2025. This film follows a Congolese female boxer on her empowering journey, with Henkels' cinematography capturing the raw intensity of both a woman and a nation under duress.
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FEATURES (partial list)
* FIGHT LIKE A GIRL (Feature) Dir: Mathew Leutwyler
STATE OF SIEGE - 2 (Feature) Contiloe Pictures. Dir: Ken Ghosh
**STATE OF SIEGE (Mini-series) Contiloe Pictures. Dir: Mathew Leutwyler
(Documentary) Amazon Studios Dir: Jeff Feuerzeig
MALL (Feature) The Collective Dir: Joseph Hahn
CONDEMNED (Feature) Caliber Media Dir: Eli Morgan Gesner
****AMERICAN EPIC (Documentary) PBS Dir: Bernard MacMahon
*****MEL BROOKS: MAKE A NOISE (Documentary)
PBS/American Masters Dir: Robert Trachtenberg
Magnolia Pictures Dir: Vadim Perelman
******THE SEED (Short) Independent Dir: Joseph Hahn
*******A TASTE OF NATE (Documentary Short) Independent Dir: Jim McGorman
* 2024 AMAA - African Movie Academy Awards - Best Cinematography
* 2023 Best Feature Film SA Indie Fim Fest
** 2020 FILMFARE OTT Awards - Nominated Best Cinematography
*** 2017 Sundance Film Festival – Official Selection
*** 2017 SXSW Film Festival Official Selection
**** 2017 Sundance Film Festival – Special Event Screening
**** 2016 Sydney Inter. Film Festival - Audience Award
**** 2016 Buenos Aires Film Festival - Official Selection
*** 2016 Sydney Inter. Film Festival - Audience Award
*** 2016 Tryon Inter. Film Festival - Best Documentary
*** 2016 Calgary Inter. Film Festival - Audience Award
**** 2015 Emmy - Best Documentary
***** 2008 Newport Beach Veneration Film Festival Award Winner – Outstanding Cinematography
****** 2006 First Glance Film Festival Award Winner – Best Documentary
DIRECTORS (partial list)
Malcolm Venville, Vadim Perelman, Tim Story, Tom Kuntz, Olivier Gondry, JamesRouse, Douglas Avery, Perlorian Brothers, Matthew Cullen, The Guard Brothers, Snorri Bros., Alex Hardcastle, Josh & Xander, Guy Manwaring, David McNally, Louis Sutherland, Matt Ogens, Brent Harris, Lena Beug, Henry Littlechild, Craig Brownrigg, Only Child, Nathan Cox, Dent de Cuir, Mike Andrews, Thibault Debaveye, Tom Dey, Jun Diaz, Digby, Steven Diller, Matt Dillmore, Jeff Feuerzeig, Eli Morgan Gesner, Mark Gilbert, Grady Hall, Dave, Horowitz, Brian Lee Hughes, Joseph Kahn, Anton Laines, May Lambert, Adam Levite, Daniel Mabe, Bernard MacMahon, Jim McGorman, Tommy Means, Amit Mehta, Geoff Moore, Robert Nylund, Dael Oates, Rob Pritts, Kimo Proudfoot, Psyop, Julian Pugsley, Aaron Ruell, Edouard Salier, Lara Shapiro, Patrick Sherman, Brennan Stasiewicz, Geordie Stephens, Robert Trachtenberg, John Trahar, Jon Watts, Theresa Wingert, Chris Yurkow, Jonathan Zames
COMMERCIALS (partial list)
Disney, Nike, Reebok, Mini Cooper, Toyota, Hyundai, Saturn, Sony, MTV, FedEx, Verizon, VirginMobile, Nintendo, Burger King, Citibank, Kenmore, Kellogg’s, Bud Light, Snickers, Altoids, Zappos,Truth Campaign, Suzuki, IBM, Home Depot, Ad Council, Car Max, Panasonic, Kool Aid, DirecTV,Kohl’s, Kleenex, Petsmart, Axe, Jello, Dunkin’ Donuts, Clorox, Cingular, Labatts, Armor All,Comcast, Above the Influence, Macy’s, Allegra, Walgreens, Chex Mix, AT&T, Band-Aid, Crestor,Coop, Stanford Hospital, Sears, Got Milk, White Gold, Lexmark, Liberty Mutual, Amazon, Bank ofAmerica, Vanguard, Yahoo, Jimmy John’s, BMW, Springhill Suites, Del Monte, Samsung, Safe Auto,Microsoft, eBay, Sage Software, Vizio, PA & Michigan Lottery, Belle Tires, Aeroplan, Airlines forAmerica, McDonald’s, Masterpass, Honda, Vital Farms, Dish, TD Bank, Pizza Hut, Straight TalkWireless, Apple